Società Italiana degli Economisti dei Trasporti e della Logistica (SIET)  
Italian Society of Transport and Logistics Economists

XXI Scientific Meeting: “Transport and sustainability ”

Bologna, September 9th-10th, 2019

We are pleased to announce that the XXI Conference of the Italian Society of Transport Economics and Logistics (SIET) ( will be held in Bologna (Italy), on the 9th-10th September 2019. The conference will be organised with the support of ITL - Istituto sui Trasporti e la Logistica (Research Institute on Transport and Logistics) in cooperation with the General Directorate for territorial and environmental care of the Emilia-Romagna Government. The title of this year Conference is “Transport and Sustainability”. The aim of the Conference is to promote the academic debate and in-depth scientific interactions among researchers and experts on recent advances in the field of infrastructure and transport economics and, more generally, on networks economics. Keynote lectures by international experts of the field will be organised. Theoretical and empirical papers are welcome on the topic of the Conference and on related issues, such as (not exhaustively): energy efficient and environmentally-friendly transport; transport policy from a micro and a macro-economic perspective; smart connected mobility and logistics; urban mobility; modal and intermodal competition; market structure; financing, pricing and regulation of infrastructures and services; investment analysis, pricing strategies, multilevel governance in transport; logistics; freight distribution & last mile delivery; maritime port and in-land port connections; innovation; internationalisation; ICT; impact of e-commerce for transport and logistics, network industries; mobility and tourism; cruise and nautical activities; land management; urban economics; specific transport sectors (maritime, aviation, rail), etc. Two specific sessions are already in preparation: “Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans” and “Cost benefit analysis”. Further proposals for dedicated sessions on specific issues are welcome. The proponent should send an abstract for the thematic session and a list of possible contributions and authors. 

 Call for special sessions

Those who would like to organize specific thematic sessions can make a proposal to the local organizers ( by April 7th, 2019

Call for papers - deadline for abstracts: April 7th, 2019

Please submit an extended abstract (300-500 words) at the following address: The document should indicate title, author(s), affiliations, corresponding contact, three keywords and JEL codes. The abstract should state clearly the research question, the methodology, the main (or expected) results and main references. Abstracts will be refereed by a scientific committee.


The Conference is organised at the Regione Emilia-Romagna – Terza Torre; Viale della fiera 8 – Bologna

Important dates